Angel 9th choir
age ?

Well it's a little early in the comic to tell ya'll who Arion is exactly but there are a few things I can tell you. He's old, very old, older than the human race. However, as soon as humanity evolved he was sent to Earth as one of several physical guardians of "Earth's sentient race." Why he was sent is veiled in mystery, which means I'll reveal it bit by bit later on in the story. For now let's just say that in the Angelverses, (hint hint, not our world), the circumstances behind Hell's creation are a little more complicated than a power struggle.
A little more about Arion's past has been reveiled as of Origins pt. 2. He's been called a Spartan and Sarah has had multiple visions of him in an old what resembles old hoplite gear. This will become a key theme in the "Heir to the Throne" arc(s).

age ?
Fallen Angel 9th choir

The "Satan" or "prosecuter" in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic tradition. The leader of Hell and all it's inhabitants. Note: Some of you ancient history buffs may also note that there was (and in some parts of the world still is though you'd be hard pressed to find them) an older Monotheastic religion called Zoasterism. It's traditions of good and evil are different but the also had angels. This is important to Angel's story and is somthing that will be touched on in the "Heir to the Throne" arc(s).
*Lucifer is NOT the name of the devil (Apollo probably isn't either, I was having a little fun there) here's why:
(Never, I mean NEVER use a KJB to study biblical text it is a terrible translation and designed to reflect the personal beliefs of the translator)
The bible has repeatedly and badly translated. Mostly of the blame lies with the King James Bible, which was translated from Latin not Hebrew or Greek. Lucifer comes from the latin translation of Isaiah 14: 9-16 and was originally "morning star" (ironically a title often attibuted to Jesus in the new testanent). Furthermore, it is more likely, based on a correctly translated version, that the passage is refering to the actual morning star, the planet Venus, falling behind the horizon.
As for where Apollo came from that's a bit of a stretch on my part. While doing research for a later story arc I found several references to the Devil in the bible. Most were vague and refered to him with a title like the Satan, the destroyer, the dragon, etc. However, in revelations I came across a passage which seemed to actually name him, after a little further analysis I realized I was probably wrong but it got the old cogs turning. The passage, which I won't quote here, basically mentioned two "names" for the Satan, one was in Hebrew one in Greek. The Greek version, which translates out to Destroyer, was very similar to Apollo. In my mind I connected the dots from Apollo's role as the chariot driver for the Sun and morning star, add in the Arion-Orion connection and bam I had a name.

age ?
Fallen angel formerly 9th choir

Opposed the Hellbound Angels prior to the creation of Hell. Volunteered along with Arion to be sent to Earth as Guardians. Both worked extensively in Greece, 1000 years prior to, during, and severall hundred years after the Greek dark ages. Both did their jobs well but "Lee" had become disgruntled with the the overall state of the world. He Was involved in the Greek's two imfamous Persian Wars. Events ocuring during the wars resulted in his fall.
His skill and experience with humanity made him the ideal Earth opperative for Apollo and he quickly rose through the heirarchy. Once in a position of power Lee was able to do and act as he pleased often ignoring or neglecting missions he disagreed with often helping Guardians in their jobs by supplying information, etc.

Sarah Daugherty
age 20
human, sort of born Central Itally? early 1987, official DOB 3-19 (St. Joseph's Feast day, has significance)
Raised Denver, CO, USA

Sarah was a "doorstep baby" found on the steps of a Roman orphanage, she was later adopted by an American couple two months after being found. Her mom had been stationed at a nearby US Naval base. Her active duty requirements expired the next year and she moved her family back stateside. Sarah grew up there in a relatively normal childhood. When she was 19 half-way through her first year of college, however, both her parents were killed by a plane crash. Without the funds or desire to finish school she decided to try to find her biological family. Which brought her to Itally, after 3 1/2 months and little success she began to run out of money and hope.
Recent events have made it clear that Sarah is not just a normal human. After falling off the balcony in Origins 2 she fell onto a fence and was impaled. More interestingly she seems to have wings of her own. As will be reveiled in following arcs this does not make her an angel neccisarily. It does, however, raise serious questions as to who she is.

Grim Scarlet
age ?
Implied she is human, more or less

For lack of a better word she is the Grim Reaper. Her exact origins are not yet clear and her duties aren't either. She has appeared to Sarah as she fell from her hotel balcony in Origins 2. She seems to be more than the reaper and clearly has other duties. For now she is only known to Sarah.

Cardinal Black
age 77
human born 1930 in Pittsberg, PA

Church operative, his expertise in the growingly unpopular fields of the so called occult side of the faith have rendered him an outcast in most of the modern church. However, he has always been able to hold great influence with the higher ups especially John Pauls I and II. Despite having direct influence and contact with the papacy he holds little sway and influence with the current pope and has been largely forgotten. His rank as Cardinal is largely show and he holds little influence outside a small and heavily underfunded network of Sisters and Priests who, while well trained, can do little more than watch for authentic AND dangerous "supernatural" activity.
His only real asset, as he sees it, is Arion and he will call on him far too often for typically trivial things. The original relationship between the two was strong and one of mutual respect but it has degraded into one of begrudging cooperation over the past few years. Sarah's arrival and Arion's decision to risk her life has put further distance between the already strained working relationship.

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